Friday, May 11, 2007

WHo Cares if the Grey's girls like sex?

Okay, so the New York Times says Grey's Anatomy is BAD for women. Really bad. It claims their female characters are emotionally needy and oversex "basket cases." I would have to agree. That's why it's a SOAP OPERA. But still, does it really portray women in a worse light than any other tv show? I can't think of many (any?) strong, emotionally stable, intelligent women on tv. I really can't. GIlmore GIrls was close.
I really did think Rory Gilmore would grow up to be a strong woman who was okay with the fact that she wasn't a supermodel. Then she grow up into a painted harlet who lost her virginity to a married man who wasn't even all that interesting and wore tacky overly trendy clothes befitting Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton while attending her classes at Yale. Gone were her cute Gap-looking sweaters, jeans and simple lip gloss. Rory was drinking hard core with her socialite friends at the trendiest night clubs. What was worse was that Rory didn't OWN her new superficial, yuppy status. She wrote scathing social commentaries on the parties she went to with other rich people for Internet blogs and made snide comments to her rich boyfriend about how insufferable his other rich friends were. Rory was a hypocrite who lived with her billionaire boyfriend rent-free like a sugar baby while simultaneously denouncing everyone else for doing similar things. Sandrah Oh's Dr. Yang would definitely be a stronger role-model than a hypocritical twenty-something Ivy harlet. Dr. Yang is what she is. SHe's unapologetically driven. On this week's episode, in fact, she refused to discuss her fiance's whiney wedding problem with him because she realized the intern exam she had to write that day (and the affect it would have on HER career forever) was more important. SHe loves Burke and will marry him, but she is not subservient to him and sets firm boundaries. SHe knows when her stuff is more important. Sure she likes sex a lot, but does that make her oversexed? What exactly does oversexed mean? Christina still has time to kick ass at her medical internship, argue with her mother and hang out with her intern friends, so she can't be THAT oversexed. She's definitely not emotionally needy. She's not a sex addict. So since when does liking sex constitute a character flaw? Is it anti-feminist to like getting laid? Come on, NY times!
Now, Merideth's storylines that involve her various relatives facing their mortality on a bi-weekly basis may be ridiculous, but why is she? She's a girl with a partying past, but she's evolved. She shows women they can screw up while young but atone for that and still make it professionally and contribute to the world doing something they love. SHe also likes sex, but she even talks about her use of protection on the show, and since Grey's began, she's only had one sexual partner. She is not over-sexed. IS she a basket case? No, her story lines are crazy, but she doesn't really over-react to them. IF I were put in mortal danger every sweeps weak, I'd be a bit anxious too.
Now for the beauteous Izzie. Again, likes sex, not addicted. Only had two sexual partners over the course of the show, and yes, like Mer, her story-lines are mellow-dramatic, but her reactions are pretty proportionate. Well, besides cutting the L-Vat wires. That was dumb, but it constitutes the one genuinely dumb, totally unprofessional, completely irrational thing any of the Grey's women have done over the course of the show.
Now Addision. What's not to love? She likes sex, she's a world class surgeon, and she only really freaks out when a marriage ends or she finds out that she's barren!
On to Bailey, quite possibly the strongest woman on TV. NOt pretty. Doesn't care she's not pretty. She's a working mom and a strict supervisor. WHat better role-model is there on network TV for little girls? COme on NY Times, give me one example I can't refute! I dare you!

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