Monday, May 14, 2007

When Policy has Perverse Effects...

A kenyan woman will likely not be permitted to stay in Canada because she has HIV. She came to Canada years ago as a refugee from Kenya and works as a nurse; however, the irony is that though HIV is so widespread in Keyna in comparison with Canada, she contracted it here. A Canadian man knew he had HIV and he knowingly infected her. Because of this sexual assault, her medical bills are now so high they disqualify her from Canadian immigrant status and she will likely be deported. I'm sorry, but this policy of sending home immigrants who are too medically expensive should not apply here! The woman was attacked, essentially. She would not have contracted HIV had she not come here and been the victim of a Canadian's crime, and now we are sending this innocent woman home because one of our own nationals inflicted a situation on her that is too expensive for our public health care system to deal with? That's cruel and ridiculous. That's all it is.

Anyway, I have a more just solution. Sending this woman back to Kenya could kill her. Access to anti-retrovirals and adequate doctors appointments cannot be counted on in Kenya. THe medical infrastructure is not good. THis woman did nothing to deserve this sentence to discomfort and probably premature death. SO, since she's the better person. The less sociopathic person, I vote we keep her and send her attacker to Kenya! Sure, he's technically Canadian adn she's technically not, but it's more fitting to the spirit of justice, no? Anyway, read this story. It's very upsetting but it's interesting. It really illuminates the flaws in our immigration system and how justice can get lost in policy....

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